Monday, February 15, 2010

"My Dream, My Future"

Everybody have a dream to be a succesful person in the future. . .
What should you do to fulfill your dream in life?a student for now, I'm trying my very best to be a succesful someday. .
Since I was a child I'm dreaming to be a succesful nurse someday.
After I graduate in college and having my good carrier in life I would like tol help my parents, relatives and friends.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


The changes start with me through helping our country progressive. Everytime I cleaned our yard I'll just burn those papers and dry leaves except plastic because plastic may cause the green house effect and that we can feel the global warming.
As a student i will complement cleanliness in school as well as in our barangay to feel and take a fresh air, and to avoid any deseases.