Monday, February 15, 2010

"My Dream, My Future"

Everybody have a dream to be a succesful person in the future. . .
What should you do to fulfill your dream in life?a student for now, I'm trying my very best to be a succesful someday. .
Since I was a child I'm dreaming to be a succesful nurse someday.
After I graduate in college and having my good carrier in life I would like tol help my parents, relatives and friends.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


The changes start with me through helping our country progressive. Everytime I cleaned our yard I'll just burn those papers and dry leaves except plastic because plastic may cause the green house effect and that we can feel the global warming.
As a student i will complement cleanliness in school as well as in our barangay to feel and take a fresh air, and to avoid any deseases.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I have learned a lot during the third quarter. Our teacher in T.L.E. Mrs. Vera Cruz teach us on how to to used the properMicrosoft front page. There are many activities we did like searching the net,the html file,the hypertext,th hyper link,and any more.
The problems or challenges that I have encountred are on how could I rush my activities and projects to passed on time.How coul I help my co member in our workstation.Beacause I joined the longganiza festival.
I will do my very best in last grading through passing all my requirements in school.So that I will be graduated and finished my secondary life...